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  • All Categories
  • Outcomes Funds
  • Impact Accounting
  • Impact Investing
  • Social Finance
  • Environmental Finance
  • Sustainable Debt

Many impact approaches focus on improving flows of money directed towards populations in need. This category explores where and how impact is getting involved in development finance (including by stimulating the growth of outcomes funds)

Product Impact Dataset (IWAI 2021)

Image: IWAI’s 2021 product impact dataset included a quantification of products’ presumed impact on their consumers’ health through assessing their nutritional content. In 2021 the Impact Weighted Accounts Initiative (IWAI) released a dataset using companies’ real financial accounts and showing how numbers would change if their theorised “monetised product impacts” were overlayed on them. The…

Continue Reading Product Impact Dataset (IWAI 2021)

Impact subjects that may be of particular interest to corporates wishing to improve their impact performance such as impact accounting and reporting

Impact investing suggests opportunities for private investors to partake in investment opportunities that also involve the achievement of social and environmental good

Posts about projects, strategies, and initiatives related to improving societal themes like income inequality, literacy, access to basic human needs, and more.

Posts about projects, strategies, and initiatives related to improving environmental themes like ocean finance, climate finance, and more

The sustainable debt market has emerged as a powerful force with both corporates and sovereigns issuing debt tied to sustainability objectives (or limited to sustainability-related proceeds).

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