Product Impact Dataset (IWAI 2021)

Image: IWAI’s 2021 product impact dataset included a quantification of products’ presumed impact on their consumers’ health through assessing their nutritional content.

In 2021 the Impact Weighted Accounts Initiative (IWAI) released a dataset using companies’ real financial accounts and showing how numbers would change if their theorised “monetised product impacts” were overlayed on them.

The dataset included the following IWAI-authored “fields” which were described in this methodology document.

Column name (in dataset)Column name (readable)
Affordability_CalculatedAffordability product impact
Underserved_CalculatedUnderserved product impact
Effectiveness_CalculatedEffectiveness product impact
Addiction_CalculatedAddiction product impact
Pollutants_CalculatedPollutants product impact
Recycling_CalculatedRecycling product impact

Data Manifest

DatasetProduct impact dataset
AuthorImpact Weighted Accounts Initiative (IWAI)
Data DateCompiled and released in 2021
Filesize12.4 KiB (edited version)
Data Dictionary?Yes. See below.
Data Details124 rows, 12 columns (including header row)
NotesThis dataset is a modified copy of the original data released by IWAI. It has been edited only for ingress into data visualisation software (the original release was an .xlsx)
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