Largest Outcomes Funds To Date By Value

(Data: INDIGO, April 2024)

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INDIGO Outcomes Fund Directory:

Outcomes Fund Directory

Outcomes funds are becoming an increasingly prominent approach within the ecosystem of social outcomes contracting and impact bond development. Whilst outcomes funds gain popularity as a policy tool, a gap persists in documenting and describing their adoption worldwide.

April 14 2024, 14:34 UTC

Note: FX from non-USD to USD conducted at time of import.
Fluctuations in rates since then may result in different calculations.

To achieve comparability, funds whose values were denominated in currencies other than the US Dollar were converted to the US Dollar at the time of importing the data from INDIGO and ranked by total outcomes value. To avoid ambiguity, where no data was provided for fund stage, ‘not stated’ was added. No other processing was done.

Outcomes Funds By Total Outcomes Value

Sourced from INDIGO in April 2024, this table displays outcomes funds organised by total outcomes value (standardised on USD). For additional information about outcomes funds including a table that counts both pipeline and deployed funds, please see the data resources section of this website. Note: this data table is a static resource reflecting a point-in-time snapshot of this data. It will not be updated.

Details wdt_ID Fund Name Fund Country wdt_created_by wdt_created_at Total Outcomes Values Link wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Stage Fund Purpose
1 Life Chances Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 109,600,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:04 AM Active The Life Chances Fund (LCF) is a £70 million fund from the UK Government’s Civil Society directorate, designed to help people in society who face the most significant barriers to leading happy and productive lives.
2 Social Impact Partnerships to Pay for Results Act United States daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 100,000,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:05 AM Not stated SIPPRA aims to improve lives by redirecting funds into programs that achieve demonstrable, measurable results. The Fund aims to use social impact partnerships to ensure federal funds are used effectively.
3 Commissioning Better Outcomes Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 61,472,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:06 AM Closed to new applications The overarching aim was to grow the market in SIBs, while each fund had a specific focus that reflected the missions of The National Lottery Community Fund and Cabinet Office. For The National Lottery Community Fund, this was to enable more people, partic
4 Innovation Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 47,346,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:07 AM Not stated The Innovation Fund aims to support disadvantaged young people by helping them participate in education and training to improve their employability. The fund aims to support the development of the social investment market and test the generation of benefi
5 South Africa Green Outcomes Fund South Africa daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 31,000,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:07 AM Active The aim of the Green Outcomes Fund (GOF) is to incentivise local fund managers to use new approaches and financing models to target high potential and fast-growing SMMEs operating in South Africa’s green economy. The funding will enable lending and invest
6 Social Outcomes Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 30,736,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:08 AM Concluded The overarching aim was to grow the market in SIBs, while each fund had a specific focus that reflected the missions of The National Lottery Community Fund and Cabinet Office. For The National Lottery Community Fund, this was to enable more people, partic
7 Youth Engagement Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 27,412,800 daniel 07/06/2024 12:10 AM Concluded The Youth Engagement Fund aims to help disadvantaged young people to participate and succeed in education or training in order to improve their employability, reduce their long-term dependency on benefits, and reduce their likelihood of offending. The Gov
8 Education Outcomes Fund (Ghana) Ghana daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 25,000,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:10 AM Active The Education Outcomes Fund and the Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Project (GALOP) aims to 'improve the quality of education in low performing basic education schools and strengthen education sector equity and accountability in Ghana."
9 Fair Chance Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 24,841,500 daniel 07/06/2024 12:10 AM Concluded The Fair Chance Fund aims to stimulate innovative, replicable approaches to improve accommodation and work outcomes for young, homeless people (mostly 18-24 years) whose support needs are poorly met by existing services because of the complexity of their
10 Portugal Inovação Social Portugal daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 22,312,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:12 AM Not stated Portugal Social Innovation is a government initiative aimed at promoting social innovation and stimulating the social investment market in Portugal. The goals of Portugal Social Innovation are to: Promote Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in
11 Social Impact Outcomes Fund Australia daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 20,639,700 daniel 07/06/2024 12:13 AM Active The New South Wales Government's Social Impact outcomes Fund aims to deliver a range of high impact programs through social impact investment. The first two rounds will be focused on advancing the social and economic wellbeing of women facing disadvantage
12 Education Outcomes Fund (Sierra Leone) Sierra Leone daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 20,000,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:13 AM Active The Sierra Leone Education Innovation Challenge (SLEIC) is a partnership between the governmnent, donor, NGOs and social investors and the Education Outcomes Fund (EOF) to improve learning outcomes, in literacy and numeracy, in public schools through outc
13 Refugee Transitions Outcomes Fund United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 18,434,063 daniel 07/06/2024 12:13 AM Active This initiative aims to increase the self-sufficiency and integration of newly granted refugees, helping them to move into work, learn English, access housing and build links in their local communities.It aims to support innovative approaches, with a fo
14 Rough Sleeping Programme (DCLG 2016) United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 12,246,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:14 AM Not stated The London Rough Sleeping SIBs built on the success of the 2012 SIBs and sought to improve outcomes for homeless individuals in London using an outcomes-focused approach to promote a move into settled accommodation and more stable lifestyles.
15 Egalité des chances économiques France daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 11,779,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:15 AM Not stated The Egalité des chanches économiques is an outcome funds supported by the French Ministry of social economy, solidarity and responsability to promote inclusive economic opportunities, with particular attention to access to employment, access to entreprene
16 Economie circulaire (Circular economy) France daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 11,742,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:23 AM Not stated The Circular economy fund is promoted by ADEME (the French agency for ecological transition) to support the emergence of innovative projects to protect the environment and the circular economy in particular (including the management of organic waste, re-u
17 GLA Rough Sleeping Programme United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 7,702,500 daniel 07/06/2024 12:23 AM Not stated The GLA Rough Sleeping programme aims to improve outcomes for homeless individuals in London using an outcomes-focused approach to promote a move into settled accommodation and more stable lifestyles.
18 Care Leavers United Kingdom daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 6,877,000 daniel 07/06/2024 12:24 AM Not stated The Care Leavers Programme seeks to support care leavers to participate in sustained education, employment and training (EET) through Social Impact Bonds and to to build an evidence base of what works to support care leavers into EET.
19 LOGRA Colombian Outcomes Fund Colombia daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 5,287,930 daniel 07/06/2024 12:24 AM Not stated The Colombian Outcomes Fund aims to increase employment in the formal sector in Colombia through outcomes-based commissioning
20 Brabant Outcomes Fund Netherlands daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 1,149,600 daniel 07/06/2024 12:25 AM Not stated The Brabant Outcomes Fund intends to explore the use of results-based financing contracts at the provincial level in Noord Brabant, Netherlands
21 Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund South Africa daniel 06/06/2024 11:53 PM 15,842,538 daniel 07/06/2024 12:25 AM Active Jobs Boost is a R300 million pay-for-performance model being piloted in South Africa. It is an outcomes fund that works with implementing partners to secure sustainable, quality jobs for unemployed, excluded youth.
Fund Country Total Outcomes Values Stage
∑ = 611,420,631
Average 29,115,268.1

Outcomes fund deployment value by country

This data table is also based upon a static import of the INDIGO fund data in April 2024. It presents an overview of fund deployment by country.

wdt_ID Fund Country Sum of Total Outcomes Value (USD) wdt_created_by wdt_created_at Number (Short) wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at
1 United Kingdom 346,667,863.4 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $347M daniel 07/06/2024 01:25 AM
2 United States 100,000,000.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $100M daniel 07/06/2024 01:25 AM
3 South Africa 31,000,100.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $31M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
4 Ghana 25,000,000.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $25M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
5 France 23,521,000.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $23.5M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
6 Portugal 22,312,000.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $22.3M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
7 Australia 20,639,700.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $20.6M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
8 Sierra Leone 20,000,000.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $20M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
9 Colombia 5,287,930.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $5.3M daniel 07/06/2024 01:26 AM
10 Netherlands 1,149,600.0 daniel 07/06/2024 01:16 AM $1.1M daniel 07/06/2024 01:27 AM
Sum of Total Outcomes Value (USD) Number (Short)

Deployment Visualisation

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