World Bank Open Data

Open Data Portal

The World Bank Open Data portal provides free and open access to global development data, with a focus on economic indicators, financial statistics, and social development metrics.

It includes data on a wide range of topics such as poverty, education, health, and the environment, enabling users to analyze and monitor progress towards sustainable development goals.

The portal offers various tools and resources for data visualization, analysis, and collaboration, making it a valuable resource for researchers, policymakers, and the general public.

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Main Details

World Bank
The World Bank Open Data portal provides free and open access to global development data, with a focus on economic indicators, financial statistics, and social development metrics.
United States

Org Classification:

International Institutions

Org Classification Tags

Data Outputs


World Bank (MC Building), 1818, H Street Northwest, Golden Triangle, Ward 2, Washington, District of Columbia, 20037, United States
